Units 5&6: task 4 Paints, Powders and Patches

—Ancient greek fashion and makeup

Fashion and makeup in ancient Greece were influenced by the societal norms and cultural values of the time. Clothing, known as “chiton” for men and “peplos” for women, was typically made of wool and draped in a loose, flowing style. Both genders adorned themselves with various accessories such as jewelry, belts, and sandals.

Makeup was used by both men and women, with a focus on achieving a pale complexion. Women often applied a white lead mixture to their faces, while red ochre was used for blush. Eye makeup, like kohl, was popular for both genders, enhancing the eyes with a dark outline.

For further exploration, you can refer to sources like “Ancient Greek Dress and the Antiquity of Greek Clothing” by Mireille M. Lee and “The Body Beautiful in Ancient Greece” by Maria Wyke. These works provide insightful perspectives on the clothing and grooming practices of ancient Greeks, offering a deeper understanding of their cultural aesthetics.

Ancient Greek fashion involved draped garments like the chiton and himation, often made from linen or wool. Both men and women wore sandals, and hairstyles varied, with curls and braids being common. Makeup use was limited, but women used kohl for darkening eyebrows and lashes. Sources include archaeological findings, pottery, and writings by historians like Herodotus and Xenophon.


—Victorian fashion and makeup

Victorian fashion and makeup were intricate and reflected the societal norms and values of the 19th century. This era, spanning from the early 1830s to the beginning of the 20th century, witnessed significant changes in clothing styles, emphasizing modesty and conformity. Sources such as fashion magazines and historical texts provide insights into the trends that defined this period.

Victorian Fashion:

Women’s Fashion:1. Corsets and Hourglass Silhouettes:

Victorian women often wore corsets to achieve a desired hourglass figure. These tightly laced undergarments accentuated the waist and created a distinctive silhouette. The 1850s and 1860s saw the emergence of the crinoline, a hoop skirt that added volume to the lower half of dresses.
2. Elaborate Dresses:
Dresses were elaborate, featuring intricate detailing such as ruffles, lace, and embroidery. Fabrics like silk, velvet, and satin were popular choices. Necklines varied, from high collars during the early Victorian era to lower, off-the-shoulder styles in the later years.
3. Bustles and Trains:
The late 19th century introduced bustles, padded underskirts that emphasized the backside. Trains, extending lengths of fabric from the back of dresses, added drama and elegance to evening gowns.
4. Gloves and Accessories:
Women accessorized with gloves, bonnets, and parasols. Gloves were a staple, often reaching above the elbow. Bonnets, adorned with ribbons and flowers, were worn outdoors for sun protection.

Men’s Fashion:1. Suits and Top Hats:

Men’s fashion evolved towards tailored suits with fitted jackets, trousers, and waistcoats. Top hats were commonly worn, signifying formality and social status.
2. Cane and Pocket Watches:
Accessories included canes and pocket watches. Canes served both functional and decorative purposes, while pocket watches were essential for keeping time.

Victorian Makeup:

Pale Complexion and Subtle Enhancements:1. Pallor as Beauty Ideal:

Victorian women valued a pale complexion, associating it with refinement and social status. Women used various methods to achieve this look, including lead-based cosmetics.
2. Rouge and Lip Tint:
Makeup was subtle, with a touch of rouge applied to the cheeks for a hint of color. Lip tint, made from natural ingredients, provided a delicate flush to the lips.
3. Kohl for Eyes:
Eye makeup was minimal, but some women used kohl to darken their eyelashes and eyebrows subtly. The emphasis was on a natural appearance.

Sources:1. “Victorian Fashion in America” by Kristina Harris:

Kristina Harris’s book provides a comprehensive exploration of Victorian fashion, detailing the evolution of styles and the societal influences that shaped them.
2. Godey’s Lady’s Book:
Godey’s Lady’s Book, a popular women’s magazine during the Victorian era, offers valuable insights into fashion trends, beauty ideals, and cultural norms through its illustrations and articles.

In conclusion, Victorian fashion and makeup were expressions of the cultural and social values of the time. The intricate details of clothing and the subtle enhancements of makeup reflected the desire for refinement and adherence to societal norms. References such as Kristina Harris’s book and publications like Godey’s Lady’s Book provide a glimpse into the fascinating world of Victorian style.

-1920s makeup style

In the 1920s, the world underwent a transformative shift, marked by cultural, social, and economic changes. Women, in particular, embraced a newfound sense of freedom and independence, reflected in their fashion and beauty choices. The makeup trends of the 1920s played a pivotal role in expressing this liberation, with distinctive features that set this era apart from its predecessors.

To delve into the makeup styles of the 1920s, one must first appreciate the broader context of the time. The aftermath of World War I brought about a sense of change and modernity. The 1920s, often referred to as the Roaring Twenties, witnessed the rise of jazz, the flapper movement, and a departure from Victorian ideals. These shifts influenced not only societal norms but also fashion and beauty standards.

One of the most iconic features of 1920s makeup was the emphasis on bold and expressive eyes. Flapper-style makeup was characterized by dark, smoky eyes that created a dramatic and alluring look. This departure from the softer, more demure eyes of previous decades marked a rebellion against traditional norms. Eyeliner, often in the form of kohl pencils or pots of cream, became a staple in every fashionable woman’s beauty arsenal.

Eyebrows also underwent a significant transformation during the 1920s. The prevailing trend was a thin, straight, and elongated brow that framed the eyes and contributed to the overall aesthetic of the era. Women often used pencils or dark eyeshadows to redefine their brows, creating a stark contrast to the delicate, arched brows of earlier decades.

The lips in the 1920s were another focal point of makeup application. The Cupid’s bow, a well-defined and exaggerated shape, became synonymous with the flapper look. Lipsticks in deep, bold shades like reds and plums were popular, adding a touch of glamour to the overall appearance. The application style involved overlining the lips to create a more pronounced and bee-stung effect.

Rouge, a product used for blush, gained prominence during the 1920s. Flappers embraced a flushed, youthful complexion that stood in contrast to the paler looks of previous eras. Rouge was often applied in a circular fashion on the apples of the cheeks, contributing to the vibrant and vivacious appearance associated with the flapper style.

To reconstruct and understand 1920s makeup, various sources from the era can be explored. Vintage magazines, such as Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, featured articles and advertisements that provide insights into the beauty standards of the time. Makeup guides and tutorials from the 1920s, available in books and pamphlets, offered step-by-step instructions on achieving the desired look.

Photographs from the era are invaluable resources for witnessing firsthand how women interpreted and adapted the makeup trends of the 1920s. Famous figures like Clara Bow, Louise Brooks, and Josephine Baker exemplified the epitome of flapper beauty, and their images serve as visual references for recreating authentic 1920s makeup styles.

In conclusion, the makeup trends of the 1920s were emblematic of a dynamic and transformative period in history. Bold eyes, defined lips, and a flushed complexion defined the flapper look, reflecting the spirit of newfound liberation and independence. Exploring vintage sources, from magazines to photographs, provides a glimpse into the beauty standards and techniques that defined this iconic era in makeup history.

-1980s makeup style

The 1980s makeup style was characterized by bold and vibrant looks that reflected the era’s energetic and experimental spirit. Several key elements defined this iconic makeup trend, drawing inspiration from pop culture, music, and fashion. Here’s a breakdown of the essential components of 1980s makeup, along with some sources to explore for a more in-depth understanding.

1. Bright and Bold Colors: • Eyeshadows: The ’80s embraced vivid eyeshadow colors such as electric blues, hot pinks, and neon greens. Popular brands like Max Factor and Maybelline offered bold eyeshadow palettes that became staples in many makeup routines. • Blush: Brightly colored blush in shades like coral, fuchsia, and peach was applied generously to the apples of the cheeks. Brands like CoverGirl and Revlon were prominent choices for vibrant blush options.

2. Intense Eyeliner: • Thick Lines: Heavy eyeliner was a signature look of the ’80s. Women opted for thick lines along both upper and lower lash lines. Iconic sources include makeup tutorials by renowned makeup artists like Kevyn Aucoin, who rose to prominence during this era. • Colors and Shapes: Experimentation extended to eyeliner colors, with blue, green, and purple being popular choices. The winged eyeliner look gained popularity, and Madonna’s makeup, as seen in her “Like a Virgin” era, serves as a classic reference.

3. Bold Lips: • Bright Lipsticks: Lip colors in the ‘80s ranged from fiery reds to vibrant pinks. Brands like MAC and Estée Lauder offered a spectrum of bold lip shades. Madonna’s makeup artist, Sharon Gault, contributed significantly to the bold lip trend during this era. • Lip Liner: Defined lips were a must, and lip liners were often darker than the lipstick itself. Famous makeup artist Pat McGrath, who began her career in the ’80s, has shared insights into the techniques used to achieve these bold lip looks.

4. Dramatic Brows: • Thick and Defined: The ’80s embraced bold, defined eyebrows. Makeup artists like Way Bandy, known for working with top models and celebrities, contributed to the shaping and grooming techniques that defined this brow trend. • Products: Pencil and powder products were commonly used to fill in and emphasize eyebrows. Brands like Anastasia Beverly Hills have modernized brow products, but the ’80s techniques laid the foundation for bold brow styling.

5. Influential Icons and Movies: • Madonna: Madonna’s ever-evolving style, particularly during the ’80s, played a pivotal role in shaping makeup trends. Documentaries like “Truth or Dare” showcase her iconic looks, offering visual references for enthusiasts. • Movies and TV Shows: Films like “Pretty in Pink” and TV shows like “Dynasty” featured characters with bold makeup looks that influenced the beauty standards of the time. Exploring these sources provides insights into the diverse ’80s makeup styles.

In conclusion, the 1980s makeup style was a celebration of boldness and self-expression. By exploring the iconic makeup artists, celebrities, and products of the era, you can recreate and reinterpret these vibrant looks in a contemporary context.

My bibliography

ellimacs sfx makeup (2013). 1980’s hair & makeup tutorialYouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9ChMdK5pUo.

Preston Park Museum and Grounds. (2021). Victorian Beauty. [online] Available at: https://prestonparkmuseum.co.uk/victorian-beauty/#:~:text=Obvious%20makeup%20was%20taboo%20in%20Victorian%20times&text=It%20was%20believed%20that%20cheeks.

Tilbury, C. (2024). The 80s Makeup Look. [online] Charlotte Tilbury. Available at: https://www.charlottetilbury.com/uk/secrets/history-of-makeup/80s#:~:text=Vibrant%20eyeliners%2C%20neon%20eyeshadows%2C%20and [Accessed 29 Apr. 2024].

WardrobeShop. (n.d.). 1920s Makeup Trends. [online] Available at: https://www.wardrobeshop.com/a/s/blogs/flapper-era/1920s-makeup-trends.

http://www.youtube.com. (n.d.). 1920’s FLAPPER MAKEUP | Makeup Through the Decades! [online] Available at: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MQzoS_hl7wg [Accessed 29 Apr. 2024].

http://www.youtube.com. (n.d.). I Gave Myself an Ancient Greek Makeover. [online] Available at: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ucHUxjJSy6c [Accessed 29 Apr. 2024].

http://www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Queen Victoria Makeup Tutorial | History Inspired | Feat. Amber Butchart and Rebecca Butterworth. [online] Available at: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kYubOOHN8xE [Accessed 29 Apr. 2024].

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