Unit 8: Character Breakdown

C = Character

The year is 2035

10 years after the initial announcement about the virus and multiple vaccines and supposed cures all that was left just a few thousand people left, mainly away from the big cities where most of the virus was spread and is still dormant to this day.

Only i and a few others in the camp are immune to it or at least I thought.

One morning C woke up with small bumps on their skin, maybe just some zits nothing bad although throughout the day all that can be felt is pain and the swelling didn’t go down after multiple creams and pills nothing was effective.

C started to panic one morning with a small mushroom growing…

Cc is a 6’0 woman, arms and legs have small to medium tattoos of many of her interests and a tiger tattoo going down her left arm, cybernetic wings tattoo that she got for her 18 birthday in the year 2024

Her hair after having to cut it due to it being in the way while fighting and working around the camp, making it about to her shoulders and a milk chocolate brown colour

Her personality before the breakout was outgoing, bubbly and besides her social anxiety she had a small group of friends from her school.

However after the breakout her personality turned, she became paranoid and untrusting of everyone in her camp even the security, her anxiety worsened and sometimes she can stay in her tent for days without sleep or food just on watch for any infected or spoors, she turned cold after her best friend died in her arms and the rest of her group turned to other camps far away

Dialogue between a security guard and Cc

SG- security guard

SG-“Cc thank goodness you are out- what.. your face..”

Cc-“hey who allowed you to come here!.. its just a pimple. Im fine.”

SG- “you should get it checked you are the best here and we can’t loose you.. the camp cares for you Cc”

Cc- “does it look like i need sympathy! No now leave.”

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