Unit 8: Evaluation

For my look I recreated in my own style a fungal infection in a fantasy setting, inspired on the show last of us .

For the makeup i made a pale base with purpleish eye bags to give a look of not sleeping and sickness by making the eyes look hollow, i made the mushroom look like mushrooms on a tree bark but bright pink, purple and gold colours, i made a few fake pimples that represent where the mushrooms will grow out of, a hole where a mushroom was ripped out near the lips and blood where the mushrooms have grown out of and scratches from branches hitting them

For the hair i did a low and loose ponytail that then i back combed to make a messy and untidy look as if they had been distressed and ran away, i placed a few small dry twigs and some fresh leafs and branches in the hair to help it look as if they ran away

Overall i had to over come one mushroom near the lips falling off so i switched it to being ripped out and the change of going from a female to a male model and quick thinking but it was a good experience of what i had to do and think of differently

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