Unit 8: Health & Safety

1- ill let my model sit down and place the headband and gown on to do the client consultation

2- after that ill do the the three step cleanse, tone, moisturiser to prep the skin for the makeup to go on

3- ill put on primer to archive a smooth base for the foundation to sit well, I didn’t use powder to give it a sweaty look

4- ill use eye shadow to create eye bags and hollow eyes as if they were sick for a while, ill use the spirit gum to mark out where the mushrooms go

5- I’ll sculpt the mushrooms from the wax and stick them on before painting and putting blood on

6- ill add pimples and residue coming out the already grown mushrooms same with blood

7- ill put the hair up in a ponytail and add sticks and leafs for a look of distress and as if they had just ran away

My health and safety is patch testing and properly protecting my client from the hair spray as to hold his hair down

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