Unit 8: Personal Skills Progress

Clothes- fantasy fashion to me is and nature looking dresses or tattered and ragged looking outfits showing a apocalypse

Science- many small experiments like the colour changing liquid or elephant’s toothpaste

Nature- the way forests just adapt to the surroundings like the bending trees in Montana

Anime- for me it was attack on titan with the giants that look like deformed humans, and the art that people make of what they might look like in real life

Phobias- to me i have a phobia of the deep water and the unknown cause you dont know what creepy creatures could be lurking

Creatures- dragons, massive lizards that breath fire and fly, my favourite characteristic in a lizard

Animals- snow leopards are just big soft and silly animals that use their tails as plushies and we know little about them

Paranormal- knowing that some can live in a realm between here and the after life and what story is inspires me to find out about it

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